Automatic Bale Opener BLENDOMAT BO-A

Maximum flexibility in terms of bale lay-down and work-off:
  • Opening of optimum quality chain
  • Production capacity up to 2,000 kg/h
  • Work-off of 1 to 3 bale groups
  • Lay-down (up to 200 bales) for long, unattended operation
  • Working width max. 2,300 mm, and machine length of 50 m and more
  • Two opening rolls ensure uniform production and tuft size
  • Separate lay-down for parallel lots
  • Simple and safe operation 
Universal Bale Opener BO-U

  • The economical solution for small lots
  • Specific mixing of different material flows possible with additional trunks
  • In supplement to BO-A, dosed addition (of cleaned waste/sliver waste) possible
Waste Opener BO-R
  • The specially designed technology allows feeding of small amounts of waste such as card and draw frame slivers
  • Uniform feeding possible even at minimum production of 5 kg/h

 Compact Bale Opener BO-C
  • Highest flexibility on smallest space by direct feeding of individual cards/card groups
  • Particularly suited for opening of man-made fibres at low and medium production rates

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